تم النشر في Sunday Times, Dec 13, 2020

Win R500 | Name the Japanese garden set to host a magical digital art exhibit

Blurring the lines between art, nature and technology, teamLab is a Tokyo-based group of artists, architects, designers, programmers and engineers who create digital works that not only immerse the viewer in fantastical worlds of sound and light but are also interactive - visitors are invited to touch them and see how they change - and so challenge the boundary between the artwork and the viewer. (Excerpt from the text)

تم النشر في Time Out, Dec 11, 2020

teamLab is taking over Ibaraki's Kairakuen Garden for two months in early 2021

Ibaraki prefecture’s Kairakuen Garden is considered to be one of Japan’s most scenic spaces, with a history that stretches back to 1842. Filled with roughly 3,000 plum trees of 100 different varieties, the garden flourishes between February and March, when plum blossoms are in full bloom. This year, however, the garden’s peak season will be even more beautiful with the addition of a special teamLab exhibition. (Excerpt from the text)

تم النشر في elPeriódico, Dec 3, 2020

Este bosque en Japón se ha convertido en un museo al aire libre

Resonating Life in the Acorn Forest’ es el nombre de la espectacular exposición interactiva que el colectivo artístico teamLab ha instalado en un bosque de la ciudad japonesa de Musashino. Hace un par de años el colectivo artístico teamLab nos sorprendía con un bosque de lámparas que se encontraba alojado en el primer museo de arte digital del mundo: Borderless Art, ubicado en Tokio. (Excerpt from the text)

تم النشر في HYPEBEAST, Dec 3, 2020

teamLab Will Light up Japan's Kairakuen Garden With Luminous Installations

Renowned digital and experiential art collective teamLab recently announced its plans to take over Japan’s historic Kairakuen Garden as part of a large-scale outdoor art project. The garden and its 3,000 plum blossom trees will be transformed into an interactive art space that responds to the presence of visitors. With this project, teamLab continues its exploration of how nature can become art. “The concept of the project is that non-material digital technology can turn nature into art without harming it,” said the collective in a statement. (Excerpt from the text)

تم النشر في Museum Week MAGAZINE, Dec 2, 2020


teamLab (f. 2001) is an international art collective, an interdisciplinary group of various specialists such as artists, programmers, engineers, CG animators, mathematicians and architects whose collaborative practice seeks to navigate the confluence of art, science, technology, and the natural world. teamLab was created to be a “laboratory to experiment in collaborative creation”, i.e. “teamLab”. teamLab’s interest is to create new experiences through art, and through such experiences, we want to explore what the world is for humans. (Excerpt from the text)

تم النشر في YONSEI Annals, Nov 30, 2020

“teamLab: LIFE”—Returning to our Roots

TODAY, ART exhibitions are becoming more interactive and digital than they have ever been. We are now faced with installations that aren’t just encased in a frame on the wall, but are expanding across all four walls and even the floor. With the projected images constantly changing from the interaction between people and the artwork, viewers can use their senses of sight, hearing, and touch to experience the artwork. teamLab, an international art collective* since 2001, is an interdisciplinary group of specialists that aims to discover the relationship between the self and our natural world. (Excerpt from the text)

تم النشر في ガジェット通信, Nov 27, 2020

水に入るミュージアム「チームラボプラネッツ」が「Go Toイベント」&クーポン割引併用で超格安に!冬限定の作品も公開!

新型コロナウイルスの蔓延によりダメージを受けた文化芸術やスポーツに関するイベントの需要喚起を目的としたキャンペーン「Go Toイベント」。様々な施設やイベントが対象となっており、2020年10月29日からの期間中、チケット代の2割相当分の割引や、クーポンの付与が行われます。そして今回、アート集団チームラボによる、水に入るミュージアム「チームラボプラネッツ TOKYO」も「Go Toイベント」の対象に。通常価格から20%割引いたチケットを、11月24日(火)より販売開始することとなりました。(対象入場期間は2020年12月1日から2021年1月31日)(Excerpt from the text)

تم النشر في ビジネス+IT, Nov 17, 2020


デジタルアートの世界で、グローバルな活動を続け、この数年間で世界3000万人近くの人々を動員したチームラボ。「ボーダレス」を掲げてきたチームラボはアートシーンの中で、今回の新型コロナウイルスの“分断”を一体どのように捉えているのか。それが自らの作品にどんな影響を与え、そして今後どんな作品をつくり続けるのか。チームラボ代表の猪子 寿之氏に話をうかがった。(Excerpt from the text)