FUKUOKA NOW 登载。(Aug 11, 2017)

“A Forest Where Gods Live”, Light Up At Mifuneyama Rakuen

Digital professionals TeamLab collaborates with Mifuneyama Rakuen for a spectacular light up event that started in mid-summer and will run until October. TeamLab is known for breaking down boundaries between art, science, and technology, and have now gone a step further by inserting one of their projects into nature. This event sees a beautiful Edo period garden in Saga transformed into a magical world after the sun goes down. The projections and illuminations lighting up various sections of the beautiful grounds will surely be a sight you will never forget!(Excerpt from the text)

微博 登载。(Aug 10, 2017)

teamLab 的新作品:将历经300万年的御船山森林变成了艺术展

一直以“自然”贯穿作品内核的 teamLab 终于将作品搬入了森林这座自然大乐园。曾在今年5月北京佩斯展览上透露过想要在未来想要做规模更大,更能深层次地体会人与自然意义展览的 teamLab,将整座城市或野外变换为艺术空间的打算变为了现实。(Excerpt from the text)

OCULA 登载。(Aug, 2017)

teamLab Living Digital Forest and Future Park

teamLab Living Digital Forest and Future Park 20 May–10 October 2017 Press release courtesy Pace Gallery. Pace Beijing is honored to announce teamLab: Living Digital Forest and Future Park, the first major solo exhibition of teamLab in China. This is also the fourth exhibition held by Pace Gallery worldwide as this multidisciplinary art group continues to expand the boundaries of artistic expression with cutting-edge technologies. This immersive site-specific exhibition will be on view at Pace Beijing from May 20 to October 10, 2017.(Excerpt from the text)

大公资讯 登载。(Aug 9, 2017)

teamLab科技艺术展魅力/大公报记者 李望贤

曾被评进全球必看十大展览的teamLab作品正在深圳欢乐海岸展出。“舞动艺术展&未来游乐园”是teamLab场馆面积最大、作品最多的一次展览,四千平方米互动空间,共展出十四组作品。展览包含了“舞动艺术展”及“未来游乐园”两大主题,其中有六件数字艺术装置与八件儿童互动作品,整个游览过程持续二小时。teamLab主创团队成员工藤岳为每件作品都进行了详细的解说和演示,花、鸟、流水、森林是teamLab作品的核心意向,希望用数位化的表达和科技化的互动方式,打造了一个触手可及的梦幻艺术梦境。(Excerpt from the text)

facebook 登载。(Aug 9, 2017)

Festival Flora

En Floating Flower Garden, las flores flotan hacia arriba y hacia abajo en relación con el movimiento de las personas que estén en ese espacio. Cuando un espectador se acerca las flores se elevan al mismo tiempo, creando un espacio hemisférico rodeando al espectador. En este jardín flotante interactivo los espectadores se sumergen en las flores y convirtiéndose completamente uno con el jardín en sí mismo.(Excerpt from the text)