
The Digital Garden

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The Digital Garden
Japanese ultra-technologists TeamLab dissolve the traditional boundaries between artwork and audience in their show at Pace Gallery. Zen-like contemplation permeates every pixel of their work, steering away from the somewhat brute form often taken by heavily tech-powered artworks.(本文抜粋)

水粒子世界, 超越边界 / Universe of Water Particles, Transcending Boundaries
Dark Waves
超越边界的群蝶,短暂的生命 / Flutter of Butterflies Beyond Borders, Ephemeral Life
无常的生命, 时空交汇之处诞生新的时空 / Impermanent Life, at the Confluence of Spacetime New Space and Time is Born
圆相 / Enso
綻放於人身上的花朵 / Flowers Bloom on People